

We all want to be happy and free of pain, but healing processes can be tricky and take a lot time.  It’s easy to lose patience and think we may never really find that shift or relief  we so long for.  Don’t give up.  Healing is worth the journey.

The First Miracle

I have experienced many serious illnesses where by any medical analysis I should not have survived.  During my first major bout of life threatening pneumonia when I was ten, angels came to my hospital bedside and taught me how to allow the light of God, the light angels emanate, to enter and flow through my physical body.

Our physical bodies are made of this healing light-energy but sometimes our light may not be flowing freely or shining brightly enough to bring about healing.

When the angels combined their healing energy with mine it caused my light to shine more brightly and overcome the darkness that illness had created in my body.  With the addition of this healing light, naturally, or miraculously, my body healed.  Over and over again, I have lived through serious illness when there was thought to be no hope.

Angels never give up.  There is always room for healing whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or within a relationship.  Even when it is time to transition out of this physical body, we can heal our way into a more peaceful and liberating death.

What is Healing?

Healing light exists in every living being.  It is the energy that gives us life, it is our essence.   Sometimes when we are ill or have suffered physical or emotional trauma, our light energy may become blocked or diminished.  Symptoms of having diminished life energy can manifest in the form of physical pain or chronic illness, tiredness, unhealthy addictions, psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety or anger issues, conflicts in relationships that won’t resolve, or a general sense of not wanting to go on living or not knowing why we are in this world.

The good news is, there is no shortage of life energy available to us and therefore no limit of how much healing we can experience if we would only think to ask.  We do not need to pay money in order to learn the secrets of how to access this healing light.  You can access increased life energy through God’s light anytime, anyplace and as often as you wish simply by finding a quiet spot to sit or lie down, and then asking sincerely with all of your heart that the Angels, God, or the Universe help you heal.  They will help you.  They always respond.

How I can Help

Sometimes, our healing paths are not the straight road we think they should be.  It helps to have reassuring guidance from someone with experience, as well as the ability to communicate with angels, so that you can better understand and cooperate with your healing process.

The angels are interested in our highest spiritual good, not necessarily what we think we want in our lives.  For example, I have a progressive neuromuscular disease which is causing severe weakness throughout my body.  Without the continual healing intervention of God’s light, I’m sure I would have died long ago, after all, my life expectancy at birth was only 5 years and here I am nearly 40!  Still, I will not experience complete physical healing because this difficult body is with me for a reason — it is a tremendous blessing in terms of spiritual growth.  I definitely would not be able to successfully help the number of people that I help today, without the often scary and very difficult times brought on by life with this body.

The same is true of emotional pain.  Throughout childhood I suffered various forms of psychological trauma, including sexual abuse.  By the time I reached twenty, my emotions were excruciatingly painful.  For a while, I was barely able to function in life due to perpetual panic attacks.  My sense of self-worth was so low that I had no idea why God kept me alive.  This sort of fear and self-loathing is horrendous to live with, much harder than my physical body has ever been.   I received healing after healing, both on my own and with the help of other healing practitioners.  It took a couple of years, but gradually, I healed.

The wisdom and insight I gained by healing through these emotional traumas are absolutely precious and invaluable to me.  They are the blessing that allows me to help so many people through their darkest hours of grief, fear and despair.  These dark experiences inclined me toward light and are the reason I learned how to love deeply, how to forgive fully, and how important it is to have faith in our life path.  The deeper our pain, the greater and more profound our healing will be.

How does it Work?

When I give a healing, the healing angels use my physical and mental presence as a means to intensify the flow of light they bring into your body, psyche, or whatever needs help.  I am a powerful conduit for healing light because I’m open and trusting of angelic beings, as well as very experienced and sensitive to their energy and communications.

What Happens During a Healing?

Since angels do not exist in the physical dimension, healings can be carried out with equal efficiency in-person, by a long-distance telephone connection, or through email correspondence.

In-person healings are given in a special room of my home.  You sit in a comfortable chair and I sit directly in front of you.  I do not need to touch you in order for the energy to flow.  I will ask what you’d like the healing to help you with and then I will close my eyes and request the healing angelic light to enter your body and help you heal.   As the energy flows, I watch where it is going inside your body, and note any messages the spirits have for you.  After the healing is done, I will relay everything I have seen, heard and felt during your healing.  Healings usually take about 60 minutes including 10 minutes of talking before and after the energy transfer.

Telephone healings work the same and are just as effective as in-person healing sessions, the only difference being that we communicate by phone.  During phone healing sessions, I will ask that you hang up the phone and lie or sit down in a quiet, undisturbed space while I request healing for you.  After the energy transfer is finished I will call  you with my impressions.

Email healings are a good option if you have a busy life or need a cost effective option.  I will tell you when I plan to send the healing and then afterward will write you with my impressions.   I often send e-mail healings at night when your body and mind are naturally calmer, more receptive and at rest.

Physical Healing – What to Expect?

I have seen many amazing physical healings take place when God’s light is allowed in.  Many of the most miraculous healings have occurred in animals who cannot fake or pretend to become well.  However, it is not up to us to determine how exactly the healing comes about.  Sometimes, in cases of severe disease, such as end stage cancer, the best healing may be to let go of this physical body with peace and ease.

In a physical healing, often the messages that come through will help me accurately detect symptoms and disease as well as the best ways to treat them.  Always discuss these things with a doctor, of course!  But often, the information I receive, when discussed with a doctor, will lead to the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.

Emotional Healing – What to Expect?

Healing light is often tremendously helpful for people or animals suffering emotional pain such as, post-traumatic-stress disorder, anxiety/panic, depression, addictive behavior, relationship difficulty,  low self esteem or loss of purpose in life, eating disorders, excessive anger…  Any pain causing mental habit or emotion can be helped by healing.

Animal Healing

Animals are extremely open and receptive to healing light because they are not burdened with disbelief or tension that may slow or block healing processes.  For detailed accounts of the miraculous results that can be seen in animals please read my reference letters.  (Have a tissue handy!)

If you have a dog with separation anxiety, healing can help ease their anxiety and therefore their destructive habits.  If you have two cats who will not get along, healing can help ease the fear, jealousy or anger in their relationship.

Relationship Healing

Relationships can heal.  This does not necessarily mean that you will win back a lover who has left you – although if your reunion is truly in the highest spiritual good then this may occur — but what it does mean is that you can find a sense of peace and completion in any relationship.  If you are finding yourself relieving the same love-relationship over and over with different partners, healing can help you gain the strength and insight to grow past this pattern and start finding healthier partnerships.

Relationships are an energy exchange between two beings, human to human, human to animal, or animal to animal.  Healing light can create a softer, more loving and trusting bond to develop so that communication and understanding will be able to flourish.

Healing can help you have happier relationships with your love partner, child, parent, sibling, animal, boss, neighbor — anyone you wish to be healthier with.

Allow the light

The first miracle

What is healing?

How I can help

How does it work?

What happens during a


In-person, phone or

e-mail healing sessions

Physical healing

Emotional healing

Animal healing

Relationship healings

If you or your animal need free healing please email and let me know.

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